Originally Posted by SVOboy
Hmm... I think sometimes people miss the point. Yes, going with another AMD/Intel/Via system would double the power consumption, but with a $230 premium it'll take at least six years to see any savings in cost, and more importantly IMO, that $230 could do so much more in other arenas. Like an e-bike conversion, or lay down fridge, or etc... The point being that going for the minimum in one area probably isn't the best way to save energy in genral. Going for the overall minimum compared to the dollar spent is where it's at.
I suppose That doesn't jive with the whole "green" economy, but I guess I'll never see slightly reducing the amount of plastic used by bottled water companies as green when we could just use tap water. I suppose that's the difference between "green" as a fashion statement and "green" as in green.