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Old 06-14-2009, 04:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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OBDuino mod - no need of 'uino'


last week, I found this great "OBDuiono" project on web and I modified the OBDuino32K, because I don't have any arduino hardware.

Now it runs on a Atmega644. I optimized it for (european) C1/Aygo cars (just ISO9141). I had to change some timings and optimized the requests a little: speed/rpm/throttle/intake temperature and map (C1/Aygo don't have a maf) is just requested one time per cycle. But there were many expedient changes in the newest svn-checkout release of obduino32K, so RPM is requested two times again, because ob verifyECUAlive().

I want to use a larger lcd, so I try out a 4x27 Display. Therefore I use 8 corner. But I'll recode the design soon, because it doesn't look good: You can't see the meaning of some values (e.g. "26%").

BTW: The values are not real (just from a "simulated ECU")

You can get my modification here, if you are interessted. It can be compiled by avr-gcc (std=gnu99). You don't need C++ anymore

Thanks to the developer of OBDuino,
Dominik from germany (pleasy excuse my horrible english)

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