I did not know that ethanol byproducts went for animal feed, but I guess it is not surprising. Still, I think a lot more energy and organic matter would be preserved by feeding the corn directly to people and animals. Ryland, you are right, cows are so much healthier eating grass and hay. I am not against giving them a little grain to increase milk production. For beef, I think its best for human health (and the animal's) to do strictly grass and hay. Also, most chickens need some grain to produce eggs (especially in winter). Isn't the yellow fat from beta carotene(precursor to vit a)? Probably has vitamin a and d as well. I think that it is probably the same thing that is going on with butter from grassfed cows which is super yellow at the right season (no dye needed!). I know that goats milk is whiter than cows milk (especially cream) because they process the beta carotene into vit a.