Hello folks. I've been a long time lurker and a recent poster here. This is my first EV build so please bear with me if I sound stupid from time to time since all my knowledge about EV are all purely theoretical and research from the net. Im a little familiar with bugs that's why I chose it to be my donor car.
I have been slowly building my project since last year when I bought my donor car. It is a 1959 VW Beetle Ragtop, totally stripped down but 80% of the parts are there but not installed when I bought it. It did not came with the engine so its perfect since Im not going to need one. Some people will say I paid too much for a piece of junker, but I guess I have a weakness with aircooled vw's since I was in high school a long long time ago.
This is how it looks like when I bought it last year.
Funny! It does look like a piece of crap.... Imagine when my wife saw it the first time being towed in to our garage.
So to all air-cooled heads out there or to people who have EV's like mine, I will be picking your brain from time to time. All help will be appreciated.
I will be adding more info soon...