Originally Posted by trikkonceptz
in order to get effective gains.
This is interesting to me. Lots of ecomodders do aeromods to their cars that will get them a 0.002% increase in fuel mileage and be happy they did
something. But when it comes to the largest possible aerodynamic benefit the bar suddenly becomes much much higher when following vehicles on the highway.
I can't say I believe in "drafting" per say. I would loosely define that as being engulfed in the turbulent air. Open windows exhibit an alternating crosswind from the other vehicles wake and sometimes you can close in on the vehicle you are following without using your gas pedal
I just practice following people. I never want to be alone... or the leader in a pack of cars if possible. This idea nets me considerable gains. Not very scientific, but I have seen approx. 2 mpg differences when not being able to follow another car. Even if it's only a 5% difference when following another car with an assured clear distance, I'll take that all day since it costs nothing to try and just be behind another vehicle (truck or not).