Between last year when I bought it and today (still working on it), I had this feeling where I want to throw the towel and quit. You want to fix a small part, then by the time you open it up, you will learn that the area to be fix is bigger than what you say in the first place...
to all, thanks for subscribing, i really thought people here doesnt want to hear anything except EV stuff. We will get there, but for now, much of the work is getting this bug a bit presentable even if its the same level as a "RATLOOK" i will be happy. It really depends on the skills i have for DIY....
Lets continue,
a picture where we start cleaning and sand blasting all the hard to get areas. This is my friend (expert with aircooleds) helping me. We are using cheap harbor freight sand blasting gun and using ordinary play sand. Make sure that you filter it with screen or something so you dont clog up your gun. I learned the hard way....
If im going to do it again.... I wont do it again.... this thing is so messy, it will cover everything in dust! period. I mean everything as in the whole garage. The plastic you see does not help... and you need a respirator to do this... plus a whole body cover including your face. The media will bounce back to your hands, neck, face, everything... and this one hurts.... so yes i wont do it again....
what a mess....