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Old 06-19-2009, 12:34 PM   #1758 (permalink)
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hey patx! Well, I'm not allowed to post attachments here (I ran out of space), and I need to either email things to ZeroGasoline to put on his website, which then can be transferred to the wiki, or our website to the wiki or to anyone that wants it to the wiki! ya! Sabrina is just very busy with our baby, and I know nothing. hehe.

Personally, I would maybe wait a while to see if anything blows up with the 3 controllers, but I ain't nobody's pappy (actually I am, but that doesn't count). This is definitely beta testing phase. It's probably fine, but you know.

jyanof: Let's shoot for 2 weeks for assembly, but then there's the issue of programming. hmm...... Well, Fran is going to send me his bootloader. I know DCB was mentioning that it might have reliability issues with a bootloader, so I don't know, but then you could reprogram it yourself from any laptop (free software too!). I'm sure the software will need to be fine tuned. I don't see a way to avoid a bootloader in the early stages?
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