Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I like the LED cooling fan indicator.
One way to improve it would be to tie it in with a circuit that makes it blink. (Because I think a blinking light would be easier to notice/monitor.)
Not certain, but I think the way to do that is with a "555" chip and some resistors to set the cycle length.
You could do it that way without too much difficulty, and the 555 Chips are very cheap. If anyone is interested i'll draw up a circuit to do it. I've worked with the 555 'pit timer' before.
Originally Posted by Daox
For a while now, I really haven't been using the scangauge to track MPG. The problem I have is that when I have a short pulse followed by engine off coasting, the scangauge shuts off and throws my numbers off. It also takes the computer a long time to reboot when I switch back to run. This further throws off my numbers. Anyway, Darin seems to think that this is hurting my mpg. So, he finally convinced me to install my mpguino I've had for a few weeks now.
The Scanguage II has a hybrid mode, and won't shut off when you EOC coast in this mode. It just stays on a lot longer, i think, or it checks to see if the car is moving, or something. With it on, the scanguage never shuts off on me when I EOC coast.
Read the thread Daox, and the passeo seems to be coming along nicely! I'd love to get to 60 MPG!