I still take my mpg every tank, but so far it's much less important to me. I've been changing to the GPW or gallons per week routine.
Would it be possible to have, with the current ecomodder MPG signature things, to get a "gallons Burned" chart and log going?
I mean, I'd pay much more attention to how much I drove if I could see how many gallons of fuel I've burned this year. I could compare it to other's gallons burned and see how I stack up. There's not much I can do right now as far as getting the Jeep to get better mileage, but if I can compare someone with a vehicle that gets 40 mpg and see if I can beat them in the gallons burned section, I'd burn less fuel, and have a better chance keeping up than just comparing mileage.
no sense in bragging about MPG's if your burning more fuel than everyone else right?