I understand that part, but (and this is just me visualizing airflow, not from any formal education on the matter) it seems to me that the faster a vehicle moves, the less the air has the ability to form around the vacuum side of a moving body.
So at say 60 mph, the air may remain attached but at 100 mph the air doesn't have time to fill in behind a vehicle, effectively producing a higher CD.
With all that being said (and provided it's true) I'm unsure if the Force_drag formula already accounts for that or if it's more of an approximation because the CD varies as a function of velocity.
Sigh, I should check my library and see if they have Hucho's book so I can get more up to speed on this stuff, rather then trying to visualize what is happening =)
Anyways, thanks if you can clear this up for me!
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