Originally Posted by LostCause
I drive a '96 Ford Thunderbird automatic,  , that gets ~23mpg normal and ~27mpg using mild hypermiling techniques. Ideally, I'd like to switch to a CRX HF before spring/summer gas prices, but that is pretty unlikely (broke college student). I'd set up my garage here, but I fill my tank 13 gallons at a time because it is the cheapest method. - LostCause
Welcome! Now I know where the Lost Cause nickname came from- the '96 T-Bird; right?

I had a '95 T-Bird then a '94 T-Bird. They were great cars but when I had them gas was around $2. a gallon. Taking the back seat out, removing extra trunk carpeting, using Overdrive and cruise control a lot, feathering the throttle for early shifts, etc.; didn't help mileage very much.
Last year I sold the T-Bird and got a '96 Aspire (Ford Kia). Double the gas mileage but I sure miss all the power everything.
I was very tempted to buy another cheap Aspire so I could eco-mod it: starting with removing the whole back part and adding a Harley Davidson rear wheel. A 3-Wheel Aspire: I love the thought! I am afraid I would ruin the one I already have.
But I am Trike crazy......... Again; welcome!