I'd also use LOD as one of the 4 guages to monitor. For the other 3 it's really a preference and you might end up using different guages for different vehicles depending on how they feel to you. MPG is an obvious one as you need to see that live to know where your sweet spots are. If your cars don't have an RPM guage then RPM is a good one to monitor as well. I never accelerate past 2000-2100 RPM unless I'm straight uphill and have to do it to keep up to speed.
For acceleration, the SGII is going to be invaluable to you. When I first got my SGII I tended to baby the acceleration because I didn't want to peg the RPM but I found that moderate acceleration to get it past the first couple "gears" in the automatic and up to 30-35 mph was best for FE. When I started doing that I was able to use P&G more often in my commute and saved alot more fuel than dragging up to 30-35 mph.