Originally Posted by dcb
Unfortunately, the mpge formula is a bit half baked. It is what allowed guys like hp2g to make 100+ mpg claims in an ethenol powered v8 mustang. It isn't "well to wheels", so efficiency and emissions in the supply chain can be ignored.
Just curious ZF, did you have xprize sign a NDA or did they have you sign one?
Also, what do you think about the whole hp2g fiasco? Do you think that targeting petrolium sources in part and using "free" steam conversion energies would put "ZeroFuel" in the same category as hp2g in peoples minds?
Don't misunderstand, I really do like the concept, it is definately out of the box. It is just that winning the PAXP based on a techincality would not be much to brag about, and I haven't seen that the proprietors of the contest are going to look beyond what is in the "gas tank" and choose the most efficient vehicle from there.
Hey dcb
There is a mutual NDA between X prize & the competing teams.
All teams right now are being judged on their business plan & technology. Part of the tech requirement was to estimate your MPGe & WTWGHG. They are using "well to wheels" with gasoline as the base line. They supplied a spreadsheet with all the fuels listed. We added the ZeroFuel information to it & the calculations were done automatically. I think with the formulas they have now you are not going to see the crazy MPGe number claims from the teams, & as far as I can tell they seem fair with ZF being competitive.
I agree, if a team wins by a technicality I would think the real $$$ people & OE's will not be fooled by this & will invest in the most viable tech. I am sure the X prize is aware of this & will control it.
I appreciate you appreciating how unique ZF is. We had to jump through more hoops then other teams as ZF was not an eligible fuel. Most teams are displaying some really nice cars & ideas. But the question is, can they sell enough to make a change? That is why ZeroFuel is truly novel & transformative, were in we can support any segment automobile & other industries.