Originally Posted by ai_vin
Why do we even use redlights and stop signs anyways? On a trip to Europe I first got to experience traffic circles and roundabouts and I have to tell you it was a joy. Since then my city has seen fit to install some "traffic circles" too, but most turned out to be small traffic calmers on the side streets. There is one larger roundabout just a few blocks from my house and so far even the famously bad drivers of Vancouver have not had any trouble using it.
There is alot of places that could use them, my town gainedone not long ago. Clever.and there is no straight through like a lunatic beating a light, one has to slow to go around the median. I liked england like that, there is a natural common sense appearance. we'd have bigger versions, (as we do now).
The idling redlight suckling is injection. there is no stoich. it is the sickest think to happen to cars since the carb left. Me? I could care less about idle times. I drive some kind of freaky rarity. fuel mileage wavers like 5mpg.