Seriously?? Traffic lights?
rant brewing
at the mo THE WORLD needs to look for a new direction for fuel usage/alternatives rather than excuses to let us keep the drinkers we have. Sorry but freezing R&D to fund traffic light syncronisation?? That means current things Dodge Rams / F350's down to other 'good' MPg'ers of 20-30mpg will stay the norm. what kind of logic or progress is that when the US could drastically reduce foriegn oil dependancy / emissions just by simply saying 'the rest of the western world has a lower polution/head level why is that?' or do I really need a 5.7L V8 truck to pick-up a bag of groceries??
when there is technology out there that means you could have a SUV that does 100+% better on fuel or better yet a car that does 200-300% better? Don't get me wrong WE over here in europe do have similar issues but we're changing our habbits by taxing emissions - and we also have extortionate fuel prices that kinda forced our hand, but the average household across here would choke on their lunch if you said 24mpgus (taking a rough average of cars I've looked at in the states) was acceptable.
I applaud the Obama administration if they were to put in a 38MPG minimum, maybe I just don't understand but why is it so hard to get through an EPA test? is it a 'Big oil' issue that they don't want foriegn cars sipping fuel?
Sorry - rant over
good things come to those who wait, sh*t turns up pretty much instantly