As can also be seen in the view of the rear in the previous post, the Kammback has a flap of cardboard across its width.
This is to keep it from sagging. Unfortunately, I used clear tape which doesn't hold cardboard too well, and this set-up isn't sturdy enough for me to feel good with it while driving. The view in the mirror, however, is OK
Hopefully the coroplast version will be stiffer (is 3mm too thin for a 50cm x 110 cm piece?) and won't require the lateral support.
A closer look at the side reveals a bulge in the front of the top piece.
This is from the center stop light. I will have to cut the front a few centimeters shorter because of this, and also to compensate for rubbing against the roof when opening the hatch.
As can be seen, there is a conflict between the Kammy and the radio antena, but removing the latter will result in an even worse conflict with the Wife...