Some more updates:
A few incremental improvements, mostly security and having the site run a bit more efficiently.
Haven't taken care of the big things I have been meaning to, import and email notifications, but hopefully I can hit that tonight.
Instead, I did two other big things!
The garage main listing is now pre-sorted by most recently edited AND has features for sorting and searching the garage, which you can check out here:
"" - GreenCarAlbum
The photo album section has been cleaned up a bit and now includes a better single image display, complete with thumbnail image navigation underneath! It took me quite a while to figure out the best way to do it so that is navigates to the closest images and loops through at the end of the album, but I think it looks pretty nice like it is:
GreenCarAlbum Homepage - GreenCarAlbum
Have some plans for the photo section sidebar, but haven't worked on it yet. Gonna get the import and such ready so people can add vehicles more easily.