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Old 07-03-2009, 10:38 AM   #34 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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Originally Posted by basjoos View Post
My brother is talking about buying a 2010 Prius and aeromodding it up to the level of my car. He can buy it without needing an auto loan so that he, rather than the bank, will own the car, and can mod it however he wants. We were looking at my Dad's Prius and discussing where the aero mods would be mounted when he got his new car. I told him that the higher mileage he sees while drafting another vehicle is the potential increased mileage he could get via aeromods, so he was planning to test this with my Dad's Prius the next time he drove it. It will be interesting to see if he follows through on this.
I assume if he plans to buy outright he has the money to do some pretty professional aeromods, right? Like, colour-matched sheet metal etc etc stuff? That would indeed be awesome. Instead of doing plug in, invest in aero?
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