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Old 07-04-2009, 11:51 PM   #23 (permalink)
Left Lane Ecodriver
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Prius C - '12 Toyota Prius C
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Ah, I got a free bump. I may as well give an update: Things are coming along.

I ordered that front bulkhead from Honda, and it more or less bolted right up. Sweet; progress has resumed on the car. I've got the cooling system installed and burped, and what a cooling system it is! The thermostat does not fully open until 100°C, 212°F, so you really won't be running this system on water alone. I also straightened out the hood latch, and that's in place.

Here's how it looks:

There's about 20L of vacant mechanical space next to the radiator, where the A/C condensor and fan would go. If I need to add mechanical systems (electric vacuum pump, bypass oil filter, 120VAC coolant heater), that's where they'll go.

Earlier, when I tried to charge the main battery, I got a check engine light within a minute, and the IMA system shut down. The code indicated that my $4000 battery was dead. Now that I know more about NiMH chemistry, I was able to get it to charge without a check engine light. The problem was that I allowed the batteries to become fully discharged (which you should not do), then I tried to charge them too quickly. Now that it's charged, I get snappy, IMA-assisted engine starts, and smoother, IMA-assisted idle.

My to-do list:

*superglue headlights' mounting ears back on
*attach headlights
*reattach horn, washer fluid tank
*attach mangled factory bumper cover using zip-ties
*get license plates
*throw out mangled factory bumper cover, fabricate new one from Al bar and sheet.
*sell the Subaru

It's not a big list. There's no good reason for me not to have it roadworthy and inspection-worthy this week. This car has too much potential for me to leave it sitting in the driveway all summer.
Attached Thumbnails
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