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Old 02-25-2008, 09:59 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Here is an article on diesel turbo technology. I get the impression they want power more than economy.

Thought about putting a Smoky homogenizer on the vw, but without the boost feedback to the injection pump. So instead of adding fuel as the boost increases, limit fuel to control boost and just recycle some of the heat and eliminate the muffler.

Would higher intake temp. on a diesel be like reducing the compression ratio?

Fuzzy getting back to your question. "It'd be nice to have more information on how to correlate common turbo specifications to an engine size in order to accomplish these kind of goals."

I contacted a friend who designed turbos and this was his reply.

"Matching Turbos is somewhat science and art (trial and error). It helps to
have a waste-gated turbo but you still have to match the engine flow rates
at different speeds with the turbine and compressor flow maps. You don't
want the flows to run off the component maps.
A book which goes through the matching techniques.
Authored by Hugh MacInnes.
But even with that info you still need the turbo component maps for the matching."

Last edited by diesel_john; 02-25-2008 at 11:28 PM..
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