It would be a good idea, as long as it was taught to be used after basic driving is learned well. Driving is a lot to take in at once.
One thing I wish they would teach is winter driving. In the north it should be mandatory, rather than learn after you've gone in the ditch or even worse, skidded out of control and killed someone.
To me, winter driving and ecodriving are pretty much the same thing anyway. Slow down, accelerate gently, avoid brakes whenever possible, approach stop signs and take some downhills in neutral to maintain traction, be aware of your surroundings and anticipate as far ahead as possible. Even staying off the road as much as possible is good too, just like ecodriving. And making sure your car is in excellent working order. They could teach winter driving and also say it could also be used to save fuel any time of the year.
My drivers ed teacher told me in a 55 zone "ahh, push it to 60". Yeah, that got me an $80 ticket later on. Also it showed we had like 1/8 tank left and I said we better get gas. He said "ahh, we'll make it". Awhile later we ran out and he had to walk back to town to get us some gas.
Winter daily driver, parked most days right now
Summer daily driver