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Old 07-08-2009, 11:58 PM   #6 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Monroe, LA
Posts: 308

Exploder - '02 Ford Explorer xlt

Rolla - '02 Toyota Corolla ce
Team Toyota
90 day: 44.43 mpg (US)
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Thanked 13 Times in 12 Posts
I'm going to put a top ten list together of tips for them... here's my thoughts:
For your current car:
1) Accelerate smoothly and at a moderate pace. Don't gun the engine or crawl away from a stop
2) Eliminate extra weight
3) Properly maintain your car. Check your tire pressure. Low tire pressure reduces mpgs.
4) Track your fuel consumption. Use a Scanguage or a PLX Kiwi other instrumentation to improve your driving.
5) Avoid unnecessary braking.
6) Don't speed!
7) Avoid idling.
8) Plan your trips. Combine errands and drive your longest leg first.
9) Improve your aerodynamics
10) Join a fuel economy forum, like

For car buying, maybe a top five
1) Consider a diesel engine
2) Hybrid for those with lots of city driving
3) Buy a small car
4) Look for a standard transmission.
5) Look at the efficiency ratings on the window and research the car online.

Improve on these, please. My interview is around 10am central.
"Jesus didn't bring 'Natty Lite' to the party. He brought the good stuff."

Last edited by chuckm; 07-09-2009 at 11:02 AM.. Reason: updating my list
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