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Old 07-10-2009, 12:35 PM   #1967 (permalink)
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Michael's Electric Beetle - '71 Volkswagen Superbeetle 500000
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I tried it with the LEM 500, and I couldn't get it to latch up in 1st gear. I would come to a stop, floor it (really really really fun, by the way. Very good acceleration. I think better than my gas car), get to like 20 mph, stop, repeat.

Then I put it in 2nd gear. come to stop. Floor it. It latched up again! I still haven't been able to get the hardware overcurrent to come on yet. It's just not using enough amps. It COULD be the result of noise getting onto the throttle. Right now, if I make a single read that shows the throttle is outside a particular range, I have the car lock up. That could be what I'm interpreting as the microcontroller latching. I'm going to find out. If it's not the throttle, next I will remove R6, and repeat the experiment of putting it in 2nd gear, come to stop, and floor it. That will guarantee that the problem is a voltage spike getting into the current A/D input. Then we can go from there.

One fix is to put D8 and D9 on the other side of R6 (as suggested by my patron saint engineer, who periodically checks up on my progress here. hehe)

EDIT: It's NOT the throttle! I forgot that I commented out that part already. haha! So, I feel very confident it's the current input to the A/D. So, I guess remove R6. Sigh! Well, I should quit wasting time and get busy!
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