I'm starting this thread in the hopes that it can become a 'sticky' that helps those of us crippled with automatic transmissions.
Besides shifting into 'N' ( neutral ) when coasting down a long hill*, what else can we all do ?
* engine running
Shutting off the engine on an automatic, and trying to restart while moving doesn't seem to work, at least not with the car I drive - A 1993 Civic.
I have to pull over and apply the brake before shifting back into 'D' ( drive )
I haven't tried lightly tapping the brake with enough pressure to let me shift, but then this wouldn't be practical in any sort of traffic anyhow.
Is there anything we can do to increase the efficiency of our transmissions, such as adding lower weight fluid ( Hey - it works for manual transmissions

If any of you have any tips please share them here. Thanks !