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Old 07-13-2009, 06:28 AM   #1992 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Can you talk me through the R11 , R12, D3 circuit please.
It looks a little unusual. D3 seems to be half a diode or circuit.

To get the over current reset to work you must make sure the PWM output from the micro is low '0' before applying the CLEAR signal else it will be trying to hold p5 U5 at about 3.9V while the clear signal is trying to pull it to 0V.

Now to read your code......

What is the purpose of feeding PWM into the reset pin of the SR flip flop?

Remove D3 and your reset will likely work regardless of state of PWM.

I am not sure you gain anything by providing a voltage divider to the input P10 U5

Last edited by squiggles; 07-13-2009 at 07:23 AM.. Reason: more thoughts added
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