Here is his exact words. It may be a bit more helpful than mine:
I would definitely recommend Shm . Try to stay under 60 mph and don't go under 45 mph. I usually try to target 55-60mph for the upper end and between 45-50 for the lower end. Shm is where two SG's really come in handy. I get to my target speed then slowly back off the pedal until I see the Tps get to 18. At this point, the ignition should be around 14-15. Then, continue to watch the gps while backing off the pedal even more and stay at 16.5 or below. After a few seconds of below 16.5 gps, the Tps will drop to 17 (ignition will be 14 by then) and the MPG will shoot up to 90+ and sometimes up to 100+ if there is any downgrade at all. As long as you keep the gps below 16.5 the MPG will stay high all the way to the lower target speed. I generally don't monitor ignition timing anymore as it's not as critical as the Tps and GPS numbers. Shm has gotten me as much as 76.6 from Milwaukee to Wayne's and 70+ from Wayne's to my place in Elkhart.