Stats from my last fillup...
MFD showed 63.8 all-time high for me by .6 mpg! Weather was favorable over the 10 day tank but not staggeringly hot (average high temp was 74 degrees over the 10 days). I removed my grill block when I filled up last time so I have been seeing slightly lower first 5 minute mpg results...time to install the EBH!
Near the end of the tank I had an oil change done at my Toyota change in mpg has been noted after the oil change...whew!
Alot of good things happened over this tank and knowing the way I'm wired I will forever remember my all-time high mpg tank along with them (got engaged, installed SGII GPS Xgauge feature, my first oil!
New GPS XGuage feature for SGII will be tested over next tank. I don't anticipate any big highway miles on the next tank but do have a couple 15-20 mile runs due early next week so I will get a chance to keep testing the GPS feature.