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Old 07-15-2009, 06:59 PM   #68 (permalink)
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data delay

Al Glidewell's Copy-Pro,where I use his computer, was to transition to Verizon FIOS and Pakistan couldn't communicate with India,so they mistakenly killed his internet service last Friday,and service was not restored until Tuesday.All that said,I was unable to post...................... I did locate all the related materials,and if Al isn't swamped we'll get all the images posted this coming Saturday.----------------------- Anyone with Hucho's book will already have all the data.Just look for "mirror-image" in the index and read about Paul Jaray's research and development of this concept.-------------------- And a correction.I credited airship bodies for Hoerners "shape",and while these bodies are contained within the "mix",along with ellipsoids,the specific reference I employed for the template is "streamlined bodies of revolution" listed in Hoerner's table,also in Hucho.The source for the table is given for Hoerner's book of 1965,but I found the original source in his 1951 book which is from Berlin,1944.----------------------- Also,for anyone who does not have an elementary text on Fluid Dynamics,I strongly recommend you hit the used book stores in your area and see if you can score one of these.These books will have all the tables for drag coefficients for all shapes investigated for 2-and 3-dimensional flow.See you all Saturday.
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