How much did the tail do?
Hard to say exactly but 6% would be a good estimate. Seems to be a tad over 5%, but definitely below 10%. Still decent since it didn't cost that much. The screws cost the most at $13. $10 for paint. $5 total for 4 taillights. $6 for the shower liner. All the steel was free.
Still doing well on mpg. 37.1 going home yesterday, it was 70F and dry. 36.2 this morning, 60F but rain.
Hopefully downstate this weekend will bring in 40+ again. Only thing is I never get a 40 mpg tank average because I can go so much farther on a tank now. So if I fill up downstate where it is cheaper, I can drive home then still go to work and back for a week and a half. That was one of my goals, summertime I go downstate every 3 weeks, and I wanted to make it for 3 weeks with only one fillup locally.