Originally Posted by MetroMPG
That doesn't seem to make sense...
The faster you go, the more space you need to maintain a safe following distance. If you increase speeds, and drivers increase the gaps between cars, you end up with less capacity.
If you increase speed without increasing following distances, you end up with a much less safe road and more catastrophic crashes when they happen.
A good read on the subject.
By and large, those results lend credence to the argument that motorists drive at speeds that they feel are appropriate, apparently independent of the posted speed. On urban-55 segments, where drivers are more confined by the geometric characteristics and more likely to encounter congestion, speeds are considerably slower than in fringe-55 areas, which are more open and less congested. This also indicates that freeway speed limits set closer to the 85th-percentile speed may be more appropriate and would lead to better compliance.
And another one.
How the Germans deal with speed limits.