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Old 07-19-2009, 06:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Noob
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Indy, IN, USA
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You guys are a bad influence...

I'm an aircraft mechanic. I like aero. Checking out the aero mods, and the aero-civic were a large part of lurking here, gas saving is a nice bonus.

Since joining here, I realized I've shifted automotive perspective slightly.

I realized this in the parking lot at work, I'm usually between an 1/8 and 1/4 mile from the door, so I get to walk past a few cars. I either aim for more space between cars / or lower cars so I can see around them better, or if there's a cool car I detour closer to check it out.

So, last week I realized I bypassed both a newer Porsche and a heavily modified Samurai, instead I went a little farther out of my way to check out a Metro. (It wasn't an XFI, and his tires looked a little soft.) What's wrong with me??!?!??

Man, you guys...

Daily Driver - '85 Ford Thunderbird, 232 V6, C4
Secondary car - '85 Pontiac Fiero, 2.8L, 3spd
Project car - Bradley GT kitcar, VW based
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