Now I want to share some old school engineering with you the year is 1973 Free Bird is the top song on the radio the music was good. A group of engineers from Shell Oil competing each year to out do the previous years competition building a gas saving vehicle. Well, in 1973 they made a vehicle that got 376 MPG I thought I would share this trip down memory lane with you.
A picture is worth a thousand words, this is not a Kevlar composite body just an old 1950s car. The systems were simple It really made sense. They heated the fuel and engine brilliant! Then they put a chain in for the drive train. How easy would that be if you needed a repair. lol. really easy.
Look at all that insulation, here's a different view. I remember Ross Perot saying you don't have to invent the light bulb just make it better. I hope these photo's will turn on some light bulbs and inspire you. They sure have inspired me.
And last but not least the brilliant designed rear end. The drive train is a few sprockets and chain. Our best racing bikes bullet proof gears could be used, just built bigger for the larger chain. We already have the technology.
I know a lot of people think this technology doesn't exist or it's impossible to double the MPG. I hope by sharing information I can offer some hope and knowledge. We can improve on what we already have.