Originally Posted by theycallmeebryan
It pisses me off because even though my tires, front and back, have 9,000 miles on them, they still have like 85% tread left!! The tire still holds about 35psi without leaking, but i'm used to running them around 60psi. You cant really patch a motorcycle tire so i had to buy a new one (50$). I guess this could be considered one downfall to using a motorcycle?
I actually did the math on this one. My mule's rear seems to be fairly consistent at 12K miles, (although I only started hypermiling more than halfway through the second rear, so I have yet to see an effect on tire life), and it costs me ~$70 to replace. (I change it myself, with some help)
This costs me $0.006 (that's 0.6 cents) per mile. Vs gas at $2/gal, and assuming 80mpg, at $.03 per mile.
Compared to my S-10 which got at best, 20mpg, this is a savings of $830 in 12K miles. If I add the front tire, which costs about $10 less, and lasts twice as long, (it's badly cupped and almost worn through at 23,900 right now), then I can still call it an $800 savings in 12K miles, at $2/gal.
I didn't hypermile my S-10, though, so maybe I could have gotten better in it. No appreciable wear on the stock tires after 16K miles when I sold it. (Didn't get a ruler to actually measure the tread depth, so there could have been some.