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Old 07-27-2009, 01:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
Automotive Xtremist
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Fort Polk Louisiana
Posts: 26

RustyButTrusty - '01 Dodge Ram 2500 Sport
90 day: 18.96 mpg (US)

DodgeZilla - '00 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie
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Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
Exclamation Ecomodding a Cobalt SS/TC

I purchased a 2009 Chevy Cobalt SS/TC.

I decided that I would ignore all ecomodding until the car had a proper break in, which I concluded was best after it's first oil change.

7890 miles later that oil change is going to happen in a week or two.

ANYWAYS. The car has a well known engine, the GM LNF 2.0L Turbo 4cyl.

It's built for speed it's currently the record holder as the fastest factory FWD car to hit the 'ring, there are some vids of it to on youtube.

I bought it because speed and power doesn't have to come with a mileage price tag. I currently average high 27s in mixed driving and a generous helping of accelerator pedal. Experiments have shown I can get 37mpg on my daily commute with attentive driving, the right combination of stop lights and forgiving traffic. The turbocharger DOES NOT lend well to pulse and glide, or most other driving habits. It builds boost extremely quickly.

The car has a built in fuel cutoff when coasting in either 4th or 5th gear, however this may not be as efficient as idling and coasting, due to the nature of the beast we will see. Anyways, follow me along and if you have good input help me with a project to have a car that makes 300HP, runs 13s in the 1/4 mile and gets 40mpg daily driving.

I'd like to prove at a bare minimum the car can meet the EPA estimates for the XFE version of the same car.

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