I have the same car 95 Dodge Neon automatic I am getting 37 MPG stop and go 50 MPG long trip. I have multiple mods. First I did 3oz acetone in 10 gallons gas. You need 3 tanks to see results and will have to replace your fuel filter after it becomes clogged which it will. It cleans the fuel system and carbon putting car up to closer to new specs. Then cold air intake off ebay $30 delivered. Replaced plugs with halo plugs you can get them online search halo. Put 2 spark plug non-foulers drilled out over the oxygen sensor tricks the computer makes it run leaner. Removed the side mirrors and antenna. Stripped the back seat and carpet out if it was bolted down and I didn't need it I removed it and all extra weight. I would like to get another 10%. It's all adds up the more you do the more you will get. I have a lot more experiments and inventions going on with it. But that will get you started. I also try to drive at 50 MPH.
Last edited by outsidethebox; 08-01-2009 at 11:26 PM..