Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I mean, for God's freekin' sakes, almost all of us had to sit through 13 years of skool, if not more... WHAT WERE YOU DOING ALL THAT TIME - STARING AT SUZY'S SWEATER?!?
Yes...Very yes! Well no...by the time I got to school, it was her really tight baby-doll cut t-shirts!

Uh, what was your point again?
Good point,
But if you're going to pick nits about the Bicycle vs Buggy wheel difference of tension/compression, then it was the Steelie (stamped steel, welded) not mags that replaced the Tensioned Spokes by the 1940s. The Magnesium (Mags) didn't try to supplant the Steel (Steelie) until the 1960s, they didn't stay around because they were too brittle and too reactive (Corrosion, Class D fires). Now it's Aluminum (Alloys) trying to take the crown from the Steelie, but still just can't quite get it for price and problems with being fixed.