Not sure where or in what capacity I will integrate this, but I wanted to share with you while it was in the making:
Any requests for stats? Should be able to fill any desire, big or little, so hit me.
Request to do list:
- I like stats for anything, so total number of gasoline cars, diesel, electric, and total amounts saved by each would be cool too. -mctimson
- Less decimal places!!! - piwoslaw
- ticking fuel savings counter - cfg83
- mpg per pound - everyone
- How about dividing up the mpg figures into percentiles to give an idea of the range of mpg figures. - orange4boy
- a cloud of ecomodders on a graph with vehicle weight and mpg graphed. - orange4boy
- put a dollar figure on the savings - robbiewt
- distribution of avg / %over EPA - groar
- avg / %over EPA per month & seasons - groar
- avg / %over EPA for last 3, 6 & 12 months - groar
- Jan, Feb, Mar, would probably be best if it's possible to change that. - piwoslaw