That is one viewpoint, but then again if there were NO grammar rules and everyone made up their own dialects (even moreso than now) communication could become problematic (even moreso than now). Besides, ya prolly dont really wanna go round soundin liek a dumb hick dooya? Speshly on job interviews vice presidential debates ect.
Ohhhhh... that reminds me of the World Of Corporate Communications.

When people grow accustomed to sloppy grammar (or never knew correct grammar in the first place) then immortalize their ignorance in memos, laminated and painted signs, published materials,
ETC., talk about EMBARRASSING. "Yes. The company I work for is filled with uneducated dumb***es."
Strangely, back in school I had no interest in English classes, only achieved average grades (in English classes due to severe lack of interest), and felt much like differentpointofview.