Interesting that they would consider "passing on the wrong side" to be a jerk move... i wonder if they consider "not getting the hell over when you're holding people up" to be a jerk move...
Passing on the right is a jerk move, but in my opinion, if someone has enough room to pass you on the right, then you are a jerk because you had enough room to move your own slow arse to the right so you're not in the way.
Even on days when i feel like cruising at 120 on the highway, I ALWAYS move into the right-most lane that I can safely drive in. If there's a gap in the middle that will let me run there for 10 seconds, i move over in case someone wants to come up faster on the left.
I LOATH people that sit in the middle lane at a slower pace than the people in the right lane. They plug up the highway.