Oh yeah...forgot to mention I weighed the parts that came off
The old rear resonator weighed 10lbs with the tip.
(nothing in it, and has a huge hole rusted in the side)
The center muffler is a big oval shaped unit that sits side ways under the car, often refered to as the suit case muffler.
The exhaust enters it from the side of the body and it exits out the drivers side end kind of like a backwards shaped L. I will post pics later on to give you a better idea.
This unit with the respective piping weighed just shy of 15lbs.
This muffler has tons of rusted metal and carbon that shakes around inside and just pours out of it.
So I think most of its internals have broken apart and blown out through the hole in the rear resonator.
So I removed about 25lbs from my car...thats a bonus.
I'll keep track of what I put back on.