so if i understand correctly its not like you turn on 1 2 3 4 5 etc banks in line to turn on the power but just divide the switching across more banks/switches(diodes) when youre running a bigger set of batteries (more volts) making the power that one bank gets to deal with lower or the same as whith the lower voltage .
its now starting to dawn on me you can basicly add swiches and banks upto infinity to get the amount of power you want to put intoo it switched , allthough it must be harder to dose the amount of power comming out
the power steps up twice as fast when you double the switches and open the trottle
so finetuning becomes sumting like writing the bible on a grain of rice
it will take some time i bet to make it work in my mind so i can see whats happening with the programming when a switch(diode) stays in the open poition and all that
amplification in this case basicly means being able to switch a bigger current with a small signal
Last edited by watahyahknow; 08-01-2009 at 10:21 PM..