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Old 08-02-2009, 12:45 AM   #11 (permalink)
The Atomic Ass
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Originally Posted by CapriRacer View Post
What you want is the largest diameter tires that will fit in the body - and the smallest diameter rims (Yes, yes, but "wheels" is sometimes confusing and I want to be clear that I am talking about the metal part, not the rubber part!)

Then a check for load carrying capacity.

My guess is that you'll find out that this results in a 15" diameter rim, and a small 75 series tire - and this will probably also result in much more load carrying capacity than you need.

Just for reference, current practice seems to be to total up the maximum load each tire will be carrying (worst case), then add 15% - then that is the MINIMUM load carrying capacity needed for the tire at the pressure selected.
For load capacity, we'll figure on just north of 2 tons gross. Perhaps as high as 2.5 tons.

As for fitting it into the body, the point of the downsizing exercise is to reduce the space in the body consumed by the tire, reduce the opening in the lower portion of the body, and eliminate any need for a wheel opening in the side of the body. So not really a matter of fitting the tire to the body, but actually of designing the body around a smaller diameter tire.

As for a 15" rim with a 75 series tire, I used to own a final-gen S-10, so I'm familiar with how BLOODY HUGE this combination is. Good god I don't even plan to have my hood that high off the ground!

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