Originally Posted by dcb
hmm... or if you have a low pressure area with no immediate plans to fix it, take your intake air from there? It could "detune" the engine the faster you go and allow larger throttle openings at lower speeds than normal and "maybe" reduced crankcase pressure.
Would venting crankcase gases into this type of system possibly affect emissions?
Originally Posted by dcb
Anyone know the effect of ambient pressure on a typical bsfc map?
The "oval" doesn't happen to move right with lower pressures by any chance?
SAE.org has many thousands of tech papers with searchable abstracts. That would be an excellent place to start.
When I was reading through the 500 last night I ran across several that were related to other interests of mine and I filed them. SAE charges a fairly reasonable $15 per downloaded paper if you are not a member. There might be a local university library that you could visit that has a subscription to the various journals so that you could read them at no charge.
The NACA archives contain many thousands of papers that can be downloaded free of charge but obviously the information is dated.