Performance mods for better mileage??
I have been thinking quite a bit lately, and still seem to be on the fence about this. I'm trying to figure out whether or not doing 'performance' mods to a car will yield better mileage. I'm not talking anything extreme here, just a couple simple things like replacing the intake or exhaust with an after market, high-flow version. I'd imagine the weight savings of a nice aftermarket mod would help us out a bit, but how about the extra performance itself? Would that wind up eating through more fuel, or would the extra power allow you to lessen the amount of work your engine will have to do? Any input would be greatly appreciated on this! I'd really like to hear your feedback - especially if you have done any kind of 'performance' modifications, and what it's impact was on your mileage. Thanks in advance!
~ If you don't jump with both feet, you don't move at all ~
2000 Civic DX :: 52/50 psi :: Free Warm er Air Intake :: Duct Tape Aero
"Spare the duct tape, spoil the job."