Originally Posted by Tygen1
I prefer SVOboys responce over Blueflames responce. Although I'd really like to see some hard evidence vs. someone just saying it's crap, I haven't seen any evidence from anyone not selling something. In my expirience, pre-scangauge so I wasn't able to quantify it, the performance mods did not hurt my mpg, it pretty much stayed the same, much to my dismay  However I did gain plenty of midrange torque which might help the pulse's, but I really can't say for sure. I have been able to drop more than 2 seconds off my quarter mile time all while bringing my mpg on my commute from 27-28 to around 42-43 currently. I've learned that the return on investment for performance parts for mpg is not good, especially compared to the ROI for aeromods, which dramatically help mpg and performance for cheap.
Darin did a stock air filter vrs K and N vrs no filter and got almost no difference, I think the stock was slighly better for FE. I think the comprehensive test is somewhere here or on his Metro site...
I dont like my response either so at least we can agree on something
Maybe if you lower the suspension and get wide wheels to go with the pod and exhaust....