Yeah I think this design can be easily adapted to fit almost anything. Hopefully someone else will try this too!
This morning I purchased what will become the central backbone of this removable boat tail: Three feet of 6061 aluminum 2" square pipe, 1/4" wall. It fits very tightly inside the hitch receptacle, with almost no play-- without adding a roundover on the edges of my square pipe. I drilled the pin hole 3 1/2" on center from the end of the pipe that goes into the hitch, which leaves plenty of material inside the hitch for less wobble. 7 3/4" from the hitch end, I cut the pipe at a 10 degree angle, so that by inverting the pipe and re-welding I will have a 20 degree bend in the pipe which extends upwards about bumper-level. This should yield a 250 pound max cargo capacity, so long as the load is placed within 2' of the bumper.
Now, lighter gauge pipe can be added as required. I will try to find some scrap for free.
Cost: $27
Weight: 6 pounds with hitch pin
W.A.F. rating: Neutral
Hopefully I can still find some good 6061 scrap today.