Test number two went went off last night. I lowered the voltage and only used two batteries instead of three. Oddly enough, my amperage was lower than with three batteries (which is opposite of what it should have been). My guess is that the lower motor rpm really helped out. At 36 volts (3 batteries) the motor spins 1.5 times as fast as 24 volts (2 batteries) since rpm is proportional to voltage. At 24 volts, my motor rpm is much more in line with what was intended for the mower. The result was driving around still took 20-25A, but the mowing deck only took another 25A! This is HALF the amperage of the last test. It seems that the deck rebuild and proper pulley sizing really works out well. I am very excited about this!
The next step is to procure some actual deep cycle batteries. My power died off insanely fast because I just used two semi-dead staring batteries. One trip around the house and they were already puking on me. The local battery store has some group 24 deep cycles for $70 which seems pretty reasonable. I'll have to look into what else they have too. I might want to go with something larger. I'd ideally like a 1 hr run time. At 50A, I would get about 40 minutes of run time since you don't want to cycle batteries beyond 50% to retain good life. The alternative is to go back to 36 volts, but resize my pulleys. This theoretically would drop my amperage down to ~33A. This would (again theoretically) give me right around an hour of run time and maybe a bit more because of the peukert effect. So, 36 volts is looking like the way to go.