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Old 02-29-2008, 12:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: San Jose
Posts: 319

Pablo - '07 Hyundai Santa Fe AWD
90 day: 23.62 mpg (US)
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Units of Measure

I'd love it if 2 units of measure came to the forefront.

MPS meters per second

25 MPS = 90 KPH = 56 MPH

It always seemed strange to measure velocity over the course of an hour. To me miles per hour should indicate some kind of average rather than being expressed as the current rate. On some level, a police car should have to follow you for an hour...

WPM watts per meter

How many watts does it take to go each meter? Which would be the same as kilowatts per kilometer. This would allow different forms of transportation to be more easily comparable.

If I use 180 watts to go 35 KPH on my bike, it's 0.005 WPM or KWpKM. Not sure of the litres/gallons to watts factor to compare it to driving but you get the idea and it allows the electric to all get factored in (well maybe not keeping your car in a heated garage so that the bearings actually want to turn on mornings like today <g>).

I think that 5 LHK would be about 0.44 WPM and 11 LHK would be around 1 WPM.

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