janvos- I do the pulse portion in the minimum amount of time it takes to get to my target speed, which is the speed limit plus 5 mph. I then glide however long it takes to get to speed limit minus 5 mph.
Woodsmith-very interesting, thanks. Interestingly, my car shows no measurable difference in mpg with the driver's window down up to halfway. If I open it more than that, I get a very small reduction in mpg. The tire pressure makes a great difference, but I didn't see any reduction at excess overpressure. I run the tires at 45 psi; the rating on the sidewall is for 40psi.
MadisonMPG- slower will always lose less energy to aero losses, so it works better at lower speeds. Up tp a point, that is... I can't go much slower than 30 mph in fifth gear, for example. The best steady state mileage in fifth seems to be at about 40 mph, which might be some kind of efficiency peak vs RPM for the engine.