Can you make gasoline from solar energy in your back yard? Well maybe, but not easily or safely, and not with only water as a feed stock.
You can make hydrogen in your back yard with solar energy, and store it.
Yes you can.
Compressing it to high pressures so you can carry enough to get far is an issue, but put a large compressed air tank at say 200 psi, in the trunk, and you can pressurize it directly from the hydrogen generator.
In an efficient light weight vehicle, you should get 30-50 miles on a fill.
A standard gas engine can run nicely on hydrogen if the timing is advanced so it fires on TDC, rather than before TDC like when it is running on gasoline.
You just feed the hydrogen through a needle valve into the intake manifold with an adjustable pressure regulator, and off you go.
I want a fuel that I can make, and hydrogen is one of them.
Granted I could charge batteries with the same electricity and run an electric car, but then I have to make or buy an electric car, and buy and maintain the batteries.
One could also use fuel cells to run the electric car directly.
So many possibilities, and the exhaust is distilled water that you can drink.
Sounds a bit limited but something I can see my self doing if gasoline gets crazy expensive.